Sunday, April 15, 2007

Top Ten Get-Fit-For-Spring Tips

Days are gettin' warmer, gals! My biggest get-fit motivation this year is my wedding in October. Here are the things that have really helped me kick-start my fitness program. I hope they help you out, too!

1) Gear up with comfortable, ankle-stable sneaks, and work out clothes you feel cute and shapely in.

2) Make yourself an inspiring, fun cardio mix for your ipod or walkman, and update it regularly.

3) Eat VERY CLEAN six days a week. What does 'clean' include? Lots of fish, chicken, and tofu; vegetables galore (steamed or raw, plain or with a teaspoon of olive oil or fat-free dressing); apples, pomegranates, pears, grapefruits, and berries; brown or basmati rice (what fills your cupped hand is the perfect amount of this), beans, oatmeal, one avocado a week, and low-fat dairy products. 'Clean' does not include white flour, sugar, and hydrogenated fats.

4) On your seventh day, eat WHATEVER you want, breakfast lunch and dinner. This is your chance to bake and roast and fry, go out with friends to that delicious restaurant, or cuddle up on the couch with chips and sweets. Don't feel guilty, because this is keeping your metabolism high and active by not allowing it to get used to the same low-calorie meals. Also, life is about enjoying. This way, you can enjoy your favorite foods and still look just the way you want. Plus, at the end of your 'free day,' you will be glad to get back to clean eating, trust me on this.

5) On those six clean days, try to eat like a cow, the key phrase here being: GRAZE. East four to six small rounded meals a day. Try to include a portion of healthy carbs, protein, and non-saturated fat in each of these meals.

6) GET MOVING. Start with power-walking sessions from forty-five minutes to an hour and the pounds will melt off. As you get fitter, start to take jogs once in a while. These jogs will slowly but surely turn into runs. Believe me: I started out walking for an hour, and now, two years later, I am finally able to jog for an hour. It's amazing to experience your body's strength and adaption! Other great work-outs: jump rope, tae-bo, dance, swimming.

7) Use your own body weight for strength training (sit-ups, push-ups, crunches), or join a gym and hit the weights. If you only do cardio, you will lose weight but won't change your form. In other words, if you are a pear shape, you will just shrink into a smaller pear shape. Using weights, you can sculpt your body to be balanced and lean.

8) Meditate. Keeping a clear mind and a strong heart will help you let go of habits that are holding you back from becoming the person you have always wanted to be.

9) Drink tons of water. Hungry? Drink a couple glasses of water first. Also, make herbal tea with lemon, or caffein-free chai with skim milk. (Limit your intake of fruit juices, which are mostly sugar and will just make you hungrier. Instead, if you're craving it, eat whole fruits, which will fill you with fiber.)

10) This may hurt at the beginning, but it helped me: take a 'before' photo of yourself (or have a trusted person take it of you...Ramon took mine, what a guy.) In nothing but a bikini, pose standing with your hands on your hips and your feet hip-width apart. This is going to give you a 'YIKES!' experience at first, but remember, this is only temporary as long as you do something about it. And one comforting thing: your before photo could be someone else's AFTER photo! Be thankful for your body, that you are able to walk, run, jump, stretch. Now, go out and make use of those abilities!


Unknown said...

THANK YOU! For this...
I am ready to change the shape I am in once aain, for the last and final time.
Thank you for the food and eating sggestions and also the work out with my own weight.
Do you have an ideal time of the day to do the extra weight workout?
For starters I want to to do 20 minutes three times per week...still wondering which time of the day is the most bang for my effort...

dawn-faith said...

More power to ya! My teacher has a favorite saying when people ask questions: "ES KOMMT DARAUF AN." There is no universal ideal time of day to do strength training, but you will certainly find your own ideal time. The most important thing with strength training is that you have already eaten that day, and that you warm up with stretches first. Do a few sun salutations, then strength moves for twelve minutes, then some easy stretches. This will even get your heart rate going and if you stick to twenty minutes three times a week, you'll be adding an extra hour of calorie burning! Stick to the classics at first to get a feel for your strength and limbs, then look in the net for more creative moves so you don't get bored. If there's a pole int he park you can hang from, for example, this would be an awesome addition to your training. But we'll get to that when it comes. Have fun!

Gio_be said...

Hey! great tips! My greatest motivation is summer and the nice strappy tops and skirts I want to wear. You know, I practice pilates at least 20 minutes a day, have you ever tried it? It's amazing! It changed my body for good. Although lately with the stress of Uni (and all the late nights working, junk food, etc...) I stopped practicing it and gained some weight. So I am really going to follow your tips. Also, I am living in UK in a city called Bournemouth, there is a really nice beach here and I am going to start jogging with Malin, my friend from Sweden. :)
Thanks for the inspiration!

love, gio

Unknown said...

I thought gio is a boy...what up with the strappy dresses?

Gio_be said...

nooo!! Gio is Giovanna. I am a girl, well... I should say a woman hehe.. from Venezuela. I met Dawn-Faith in Frankfurt in 2001 during a shaktipat Intensive. We had a short but beautiful friendship and we have been in contact ever since. :)

dawn-faith said...

I wish I could take jogs with both of you, and have healthy picnics in the sun! :)

Unknown said...

ahhhh so, I think I met you in Fallsburg? Or Oakland? Yes, now I remember...or Arizona?
Dawn sent me a foto of you guys during your first Intensive...I am her mom, remember?

Gio_be said...

Hi! Yes I went to Oakland once. I think we almost met back then... :)
And about the picnic, Dawn, it's just a matter of planning. :)
love, gio