Sunday, April 15, 2007

French Dressing

I've been using this dressing for my salads since spring burst its green and white and pink all over our little village. It's so delicious! Yesterday I made a salad with butter lettuce, tiny cucumbers and crisp radishes. It was divine. Even Ramon, who is very suspicious of anything green, gobbles down salads when it has this dressing over it. It was created by the wonderful children's book author Tasha Tudor, who wrote (and painted the most darling illustrations for) classics like Pumpkin Moonshine. She made a cook book that I treasure, "Recipes and Reminiscences from Corgi Cottage." I want to be just like her 'when I grow up!'

Tasha Tudor's French Dressing

1/2 cup oil
1/8 cup cider vinegar
1 small yellow onion, peeled and left whole
3 garlic cloves, peeled and left whole
3 Tablespoons ketchup
1 teaspoon sugar
salt and pepper to taste
1 Tablespoon Coleman's dry mustard
a few drops tabasco sauce
a few dops Worcestershire sauce
thyme, chervil, tarragon, and basil (added for flavor, do not chop)

Combine all the ingredients in a covered pint jar. Shake well and keep at room temperature until serving time. Remove onion, gerlic, and herbs before pouring the dressing on the salad.

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